
After The Turkish War of Independence, precautions were taken to develop the nation from every point of view. The subject of education, which has great influence on a nation, so as to develop intellectual, spiritual and physical points, was analyzed. The Maarif Congress was gathered in 1921 but it was broken up before it was able to complete it's work. The educational work, which plays a great role in the intellectual, spiritual and physical development of a nation, would be discussed. The business continued between 15th of July  and 15th of August 1923 and has gone down in our education history as the Scientific Committee. This delegation,  established by forty people, was gathered under the presidency of the Minister of National Education Ismail Safa Bey and also included Selim Sırrı Tarcan, a physical education teacher. The educational planning of this Delegation is listed in the articles. Article 5 includes Scoutcraft and Physical Education. In the determination of the Activity Program some issues were recorded in the articles. For instance, The Rules and Programs of Male and Female Teacher's Training School and The Regulations of the Highschool Scoutcraft Organisation. As a result of the resarch of this scientific Congress, the 6th article was declared under the scope of National Education and it was stated that the moral and social abilities of a person, as well as his physical and mental abilities, will also be improved. According to the 6th article, in order to reach this goal a Physical Education Teacher's School will be established, and studies will be transferred to the Scouting Organization. Selim Sırrı Tarcan, a physical education teacher, was for some time positioned as the head teacher of İstanbul Male Teacher's School and Higher Teacher's School.  As a result of his enourmous efforts as the General Inspector of Physical Traning, he declared that the subject of training physical education teachers was a Government Duty. Selim Sırrı Tarcan trained students at the Teacher's School. On the other hand, he dealed with efforts to spread physical education in schools such as all female schools and even Religious schools and Madrasas and has been successful in his purpose.

After including the physical education lesson to the curriculum in schools, his next duty was the training of physical education teachers. According to Selim Sırri Tarcan, people who graduated from teacher training schools were not adequate in becoming physical education teachers.  What is more, it was necessary to prepare qualified elements  to train efficient people in becoming physical education teachers and  to establish physical education teaching as a profession. The opening of schools in our country increased day by day with the proclamation of the Repuplic of Türkiye. In 1925, in order to learn European methods for physical traning, Nizamettin Kırşan who was Selim Sırrı Tarcan's student, Vildan Savaşır and Suat Hayri (Ürgüplü) were sent to the Royal Institute of Higher Physical Education in Stockholm by the Ministry of National Education. However, Suat Hayri Ürgüplü studied another branch in France.

In 1926, to ensure efficient physical education lessons in our country's schools, the opening of physical education schools was considered with the initiative of Selim Sırrı Tarcan. The sports hall construction was begun by Mustafa Necati who was Ministry of National Education. In 1927, the sports hall construction was completed. Between 1927 and 1928, the Physical Education Teacher Training Course was opened in this hall. The purpose of the opening of this course was to inform recent informations to people who had already received physical education teaching  and to improve their profession. The second course was opened between 1928 and 1929. The course  continued between 1929 and 1930. Nizamettin Kırşan and Vildan Aşır Savaşır, who were educated abroad, worked as teachers here. These courses continued for three years and 148 female and 63 male students graduted and served as teachers at secondary schools. Zehra Alagöz, who graduated from this course, was sent to the Royal Institute of Higher Physical Education in Stockholm Sweden, by the Ministry of National Education.

Gazi Institute Of Education, Department Of Physical Education 

The Secondary Education Teaching School which was established In 1926 in Konya to train students to become teachers for secondary schools,  was moved to Ankara in the 1927-1928 education period. The name of the school was changed to  Gazi Secondary Education Teacher School and Education Institute. Finally, the school was moved to the building which now belongs to Gazi University Rectorate. The new branches have been opened under the scope of the Teacher School. In 1932, the sports hall and sports court were opened and between the 1932 and 1933 period the Department of Physical Education was opened as well.

In order to train teachers for the Department of Physical Education of Gazi Institute of Education, second graduates of the department, Hasan Örengil, Cevdet Arun and Ahmet Yaraman, were sent to Germany to Berlin State Education Academy between 1935 and 1936  to study for three years in higher education.

In 2016, our vocational highschool was changed as "the Faculty of Sport Sciences."

The current structure of the Faculty of Sports Sciences of Gazi University consists of four parts. These departments are the Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching, the Department of Coaching Education, the Department of Sports Management and the Department of Recreation.


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